Adivino psíquica - un robot que lee la mente de Twitter (26 / 32 paso)

Bosquejo completo con alguna interpretación

Versión 9. Este es el bosquejo del proceso psíquico del cerebro en el momento de la liberación de este Instructable.
Cualquier modificación será en el repositorio de Git


// -----------------------
// ----
// 2013
// version 9
/* -----------------------
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .

// This sketch is the mind control of Psychic Fortune Teller, an automaton that can read the collective mind of twitter
// It has a Processing brain connected to a Twitter app, connecting via OAUTH
// It harvests tweets from predefined searchs
// Deconstructs the weet content into words, hashtags, usernames and urls
// Then uses these to create fortune readings, which it speaks using text-to-speeach
// it also tweets a summary.

// RESPECT to...
// JER THORP - Visualisation is based on his code example
// see
// Awesome!
// The people behind twitter4j
// see
// using here, version 3.03
// NOTE - you have to have the twitter4j library installed in the libraries folder for this to work!
// You need to register your app to get OAUTH keys for Twitter4j
// You can put them in a separate tab in your sketch
// Andreas Schlegel - controlP5 GUI Library
// see
// For positioning see (also Andreas Schlegel -
// ----
// Nikolaus Gradwohl for the GURU text to speech library for Processing
// see
// -----------------------

// -----


// >>>>>>
boolean serialCheckInt=true;
boolean grabtweetCheckInt=true;
boolean loadSettingsFirstLoadFlag=true;
boolean loadstopWordsCheckInt=true;
// <<<<<< end load flags

// >>>>> fortune variables initialisations
int tweetTextOutro = int (random(99));
String tweetSendTrigger ="fireTweet";
String fortuneGreeting = "I have stared deep into the hive mind. ";
String fortune = "";
String fortuneSpoken = "";
int widthRandomiser = 120;
// <<<<<<

// >>>>>> gui variables init...
String tfUserCurrent =""; // used to check what is in the username text box
String tfTextCurrent =""; // used to check what is in the free-text text box
int valFocus = 0; // default
color focusBackgroundColor = color (255, 255, 00);
color focusOffBackgroundColor = color (0, 0, 0);
color focusOffColor = focusBackgroundColor ;
color focusColor = focusOffBackgroundColor;
color clPanel = color(70, 130, 180);
// <<<<<<

// >>>>>> ArrayLists to hold all of the words that we get from the imported tweets
ArrayListstopWords = new ArrayList();
ArrayListcleanTweets = new ArrayList();
ArrayListwords = new ArrayList();
ArrayListhashtags = new ArrayList();
ArrayListusernames = new ArrayList();
ArrayListurls = new ArrayList();
ArrayList tweetster = new ArrayList();
String uberWords [] = new String[0]; //massive array to build up history of words harvested
String uberHashtags [] = new String[0]; //massive array to build up history of hashtags harvested
String uberUsers [] = new String[0]; //massive array to build up history of users harvested
String uberUrls [] = new String[0]; //massive array to build up history of urls harvested
String queryString = ""; //
String queryType = ""; //
ArrayListfortFrags1 = new ArrayList();
ArrayListfortFrags2 = new ArrayList();
ArrayListfortFrags3 = new ArrayList();
ArrayListfortFrags4 = new ArrayList();

// <<<<<< Variables for admin and tweettexts - e.g Array for containing imported admin settings from Google spreadsheet (init with default settings)
String adminSettings [] = {
"#hivemind", " "weird", "100", "50000", "h", "500", "Psychic Hive-Mind Fortune Reader", "Greetings Master. I am a-woken"

String tweetTextIntro="";
String readingSettingText="";
int panelHeight = 60;
int border = 40;
int boxY = 515;
int boxWidth = 270;
int boxHeight = 40;
int columnPos2_X = 310;

// >>>>>> grabTweets Timer settings >>>>>>>>>>>
float grabTime = millis();
float timeNow = millis();
String stamp = year()+"-"+month()+"-"+day()+"-"+hour()+"-"+minute();// <<<<<<

GUI interfaz-edificio Biblioteca (ControlP5)

// >>>>>> GUI library and settings
import controlP5.*; // import the GUI library
ControlP5 cp5; // creates a controller (I think!)
ControlFont font;
controlP5.Button b;
controlP5.Textfield tf;
controlP5.Textlabel lb;
// <<<<<<<

Biblioteca de texto-a-voz (gurú)

// >>>>>>> import GURU text-to-speech library
import guru.ttslib.*; // NB this also needs to be loaded (available from
TTS tts; // create an instance called 'tts'

// <<<<<<<

// >>>>>>> import standard processing Serial library
import processing.serial.*;

Serial port; // create an instance called 'port'
// <<<<<<<

// >>>>>> needed to stop Twitter overpolling from within sendTweet
float tweetTimer = 5000; // wait period (in milliseconds) after sending a tweet, before you can send the next one
float timerT=millis(); // temporary timer for sendTweet
float delayCheck; //delayCheck; // THIS IS IMPORTANT. it i what stops overpollin g of the Twitter API
// <<<<<< End of main initialisation

Función SETUP() principal...

void setup() {
tts = new TTS(); // create text to speech instance
tts.speak(adminSettings[8]);// preloaded, not web
println (" adminSettings 1 " + adminSettings); // DEBUG STUFF
for (int i = 0 ; i < adminSettings.length; i++) {
println("adminSettings["+i+"]= "+adminSettings[i]); // DEBUG STUFF
try {
loadRemoteAdminSettings(); // loads Twitter search parameters from remote Google spreadsheet
println ("adminSettings 2 "+adminSettings);
tts.speak("I am connected to the web. Master.Your commands have been loaded into my brain"); // DEBUG STUFF - SPOKEN OUT. ONLY WORKS IF CONNECTION WORKS
catch (Exception e) {
tts.speak("I am sorry. I am not able to connect to the web. Your commands have not been loaded into my brain master"); // DEBUG STUFF
loadRemoteStopWords();// load list of stop words into an array, loaded from a remote spreadsheet

// >>>>>>> screen size and settings....
size(screen.width-border, screen.height-border);// USE THIS SETTING FOR EXPORTED APPLICATION IN FULLSCREEN (PRESENT) MODE
background(0); // SET BACKGROUND TO BLACK
// <<<<<<<

// >>>>> Make initial serial port connection handshake
println(Serial.list());// // DEBUG STUFF - display communication ports (use this in test for available ports)
try {
port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 115200); // OPEN PORT TO ARDUINO
catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ae) {
// if errors
println ("-------------------------");
println ("STOP - No PORT CONNECTION");
println ("Exception = "+ae); // print it
println ("-------------------------");
println ("-------------------------");
// <<<<<<<


grabTweets(); // Now call tweeting action functions...

println ("finished grabbing tweets");
println ();
println ();
} // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end of setup() <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Función LOOP() principal

void draw() {
int panelTop= height-panelHeight;
buttonCheck("HELLO"); // on screen check button every loop


try {
println ();
if ((timeNow-grabTime)>float(adminSettings[4])) {

// >>>>>> Draw a faint black rectangle over what is currently on the stage so it fades over time.
fill(0, 30); // change the latter number to make the fade deeper (from 1 to 20 is good)
rect(0, 0, width, height-panelHeight);
// <<<<<<

// >>>>>>> WORDS
// Draw a word from the list of words that we've built
int i = (int (random (words.size())));
String word = words.get(i);
println ("word = "+word+" #"+i);
// <<<<<<<

// >>>>>>> HASHTAGS
//Draw a hashtag from the list of words that we've built
int j = (int (random (hashtags.size())));
String hashtag = hashtags.get(j);
// <<<<<<<

// >>>>>> USERNAMES
//Draw a username from the list of words that we've built
int k = (int (random (usernames.size())));
String username = usernames.get(k);
// <<<<<<

// >>>>>> URLS
//Draw a url from the list of words that we've built
int l = (int (random (urls.size())));
String url = urls.get(l);
// <<<<<<

// >>>>> Put url somewhere random on the stage, with a random size and colour
fill(255, 255, 0, 255);
textSize(random(30, 40));
text(url, random(width)-widthRandomiser, random(panelTop)); //

fill(255, 0, 0, 255);
textSize(random(40, 45));
text("#"+hashtag, random(width)-widthRandomiser, random (panelTop));

textSize(random(45, 60));
fill(255, 255);

text(word, random(width)-widthRandomiser, random (panelTop));

fill(0, 255, 22, 255);
textSize(random(35, 45));
text(" random(width)-widthRandomiser, random (panelTop));

// --------------
// following is for text boxes background.
tfUserCurrent=tf.getText() ; //check the text box content every loop
println ("tfUserCurrent= "+tfUserCurrent); // DEBUG STUFF
catch (Exception e) {
println ("inside DRAW()");
checkSerial() ; // check serial port every loop

Función SENDTWEET() - envía tweets!

// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SEND THAT TWEET >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

void sendTweet (String tweetText) {

if ((tfUserCurrent.equals(""))!=true) { // THE BOX CAN'T BE EMPTY
timerT=millis(); // reset the timer each time

if (timerT-delayCheck>=tweetTimer)
// this is needed to prevent sending multiple times rapidly to Twitter
// which will be frowned upon!
delayCheck=millis(); // RESET A TIMER

println("tweet being sent"); // DEBUG STUFF
println("tfUserCurrent = "+ tfUserCurrent); // DEBUG STUFF
tweetTextIntro = readingSettingText; // INITIALISE THE INTRO TEXT VARIABLE...
println("tweet Send actions complete over"); // DEBUG STUFF

ConfigurationBuilder cb2 = new ConfigurationBuilder();
// ------- NB - the variables twitOAuthConsumerKey, are in a seperate tab

Twitter twitter2 = new TwitterFactory(;

try {
Status status = twitter2.updateStatus(fortune);
println("Successfully tweeted the message: "+fortune + " to user: [ + status.getText() + "]."); // DEBUG STUFF
catch(TwitterException e) {
println("Send tweet: " + e + " Status code: " + e.getStatusCode());
} // end try
else {
tts.speak("You have not entered your Twitter user nayme. Sorry. I cannot reed your fortune. without this") ; // THE BOX WAS EMPTY
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< END SEND TWEETS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Función GRABTWEETS() - esta es la función principal de la cosecha

// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GRAB THOSE TWEETS >>>>>>>>>>>>>

void grabTweets() {

color cl3 = color(70, 130, 180);
fill (cl3);
rect(0, (height/2)-120, width, 90);

fill(0, 25, 89, 255);
text("Reading the collective mind...", (width/8)-120, (height/2)-50); // THE ALERT FOR UPDATE CHECKING PAUSE

ConfigurationBuilder cbTest = new ConfigurationBuilder();
// ------- NB - the variables twitOAuthConsumerKey, etc. ARE IN A SEPARATE SHEET

Twitter twitterTest = new TwitterFactory(;

Query query = new Query(queryString); // this is default you check the first of 4 admin settings, but should be extended to include passing a selctor param
query.count(int(adminSettings[3])); // count is the number of tweets returned per page

QueryResult result =; // gets the query

int ll=1; // DEBUG STUFF
for (Status status : result.getTweets()) { // EXTRACT THE TWEETS
String user = status.getUser().getScreenName();// GET THE TWITTER USERNAME
usernames.add(user); // ADD TO THE ARRAYLIST FOR USERNAMES
String msg = status.getText(); // EXTRACT THE TWEET TEXT
println ("tweet #"+ll); // DEBUG STUFF
println(" + user); // DEBUG STUFF
println("Text of tweet=" + status.getText()); // DEBUG STUFF
println ("-----------");

//Break the tweet into words
String[] input = msg.split(" "); // BREAK DOWN THE TWEET USING SPACES AS A DELIMITER
for (int j = 0; j < input.length; j++) {


for (int ii = 0 ; ii < stopWords.size(); ii++) {

if (stopWords.get(ii).equals(input[j])) {
cleanTweets.remove(input[j]); // THIS WORD IS A STOP WORD - REMOVE IT!
println("Word removed due to matched stopword: "+input[j]); // DEBUG STUFF
} // end if
} //end for (ii++) //stopword c
}// end clean this msg
}// end of all tweet cleaning
println ("cleanTweets = "+cleanTweets);

for (int k = 0; k < cleanTweets.size(); k++) {
if ((cleanTweets.get(k).equals(queryString))!= true)
println ("(cleanTweets.get(k) <"+cleanTweets.get(k)+".equals(queryString))"+queryString+"!= true");
if (words.size() >int(adminSettings[6]))
} // keeps aray to a finite length by dropping off first element as new one is added

// >>>>>> make the list of hashtags
String hashtag= cleanTweets.get(k);

String hashtagArray[] = hashtag.split("#");
if (hashtagArray.length>1)
//println ("inside checker");
int v=words.size()-1;
if (queryType.equals("hashtag"))
if (hashtagArray[1].equals("#"+queryString)) {
else if (hashtags.size() >int(adminSettings[6])/10)
} // keeps aray to a finite length by dropping off first element as new one is added
println ("hashtagArray["+k+"]= "+hashtagArray[1]);
// <<<<<<<

// >>>>>>> set up list of usernames
String username= cleanTweets.get(k);
String usernameArray[] = username.split("
// println ("usernameArray = ");
//println (usernameArray);
if (usernameArray.length>1)

int vv=words.size()-1; // takes out the username by removing last entry in words()
// println ("usernameArray["+j+"]= "+usernameArray[1]);
if (usernames.size() >int(adminSettings[6])/6)
} // keeps aray to a finite length by dropping off first element as new one is added

// <<<<<<<<

// >>>>>>>> set up urls >>>>>>
String url = cleanTweets.get(k);
String urlArray[] = url.split("h");
if (urlArray.length>1)
String urlArray2[] = urlArray[1].split("t");
if (urlArray2.length>2)
int vvv=words.size()-1;
else if (urls.size() >int(adminSettings[6])/6)
} // keeps aray to a finite length by dropping off first element as new one is added

// <<<<<<<<<< end

// >>>>>>>>>>

println ("WORDS.SIZE () = "+words.size());
println ("words = "+words);
println ("
// >>>>>>> create text log file of words from pyschic scanning >>>>>>>>>
for (int p =0;p
uberWords = append (uberWords, words.get(p).toString());
uberWords = append (uberWords, "WORDS UPDATE REFRESH COMPLETED");
uberWords = append (uberWords, " ");
saveStrings ("words-"+stamp+".txt", uberWords);
// <<<<<< end word text log file

// >>>>>> create log file of users
for (int jj =0;jj

uberUsers = append (uberUsers, "

saveStrings ("users-"+stamp+".txt", uberUsers);
// <<<<<<<<< end user text log file

// >>>>>> create log file of hashtags
for (int jj =0;jj

uberHashtags = append (uberHashtags, "#"+hashtags.get(jj).toString());

saveStrings ("hashtags-"+stamp+".txt", uberHashtags);
// <<<<<<<<< end hashtag text log file

// >>>>>> create log file of urls
for (int jj =0;jj

uberUrls = append (uberUrls, urls.get(jj).toString());

saveStrings ("urls-"+stamp+".txt", uberUrls);
// <<<<<<<<< end url text log file

} //end try ??

catch(TwitterException e) {
println("TEST query tweet: " + e + " Status code: " + e.getStatusCode());
} // end try/catch

grabTime=millis(); // reset grabTime
if (loadSettingsFirstLoadFlag==true)
loadSettingsFirstLoadFlag =false; //
//this is the line that will cause subsequqnt updates to remove the first word(0)
} // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end grabTweets() <<<<<<<<

Función BUTTONCHECK() - comprobación de interacción

void buttonCheck(String tweetTextIntro)
if (b.isPressed()) {
println("button being pressed");
sendTweet ("digital (onscreen) Button MOUSE");
// action for onscreen button press
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end of BUTTONCHECK

// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> check the open serial port >>>>>>>>>>

Función CHECKSERIAL() - controles de datos de Arduino

void checkSerial() {
println ();
//println ("inside checkSerial()");
try {
// >>>>>> see if the port is sending you stuff
while (port.available () > 0) {
String inByte = port.readString();
println ("Safe from OUSIDE IF . inByte = "+inByte);
int w=int(random(150));
println ();
sendTweet ("physical Button");
} // end try
catch (Exception e) {
println ("Check serial exception = "+e);
} // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end checkSerial <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> load remote admin settings >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Función LOADREMOTESETTINGS() - tira de control de datos de Google spreadsheetsdata

void loadRemoteAdminSettings ()
try {
String checkRandomSpeech = adminSettings[8];
adminSettings = loadStrings("");
if ((checkRandomSpeech.equals(adminSettings[8]))!=true) {
for (int i = 0 ; i < adminSettings.length; i++) {
println("adminSettings["+i+"]= "+adminSettings[i]);
} // end for

if (adminSettings[5].equals("h")) {
println ("use hashtag for search");
queryString = adminSettings[0];
queryType = "hashtag";
if (adminSettings[5].equals("u"))
println ("use username phrase for search");
queryString = adminSettings[1];
queryType = "username";
if (adminSettings[5].equals("s"))
println ("use search term for search");
queryString = adminSettings[2];
queryType = "search term";
// now load load fortune fragments
String frag1 []= loadStrings ("");
for (int ff1=0; ff1

println ("Fortune Frag1 = "+fortFrags1.get(ff1));
String frag2 []= loadStrings ("");
for (int ff2=0; ff2

println ("Fortune Frag2 = "+frag2[ff2]);
println ("Fortune Frag1 = "+fortFrags2.get(ff2));
String frag3 []= loadStrings ("");
for (int ff3=0; ff3

println ("Fortune Frag3 = "+frag3[ff3]);
String frag4 []= loadStrings ("");
for (int ff4=0; ff4

println ("Fortune Frag4 = "+frag4[ff4]);
// end if
catch (Exception e) {
println ("no CONNECTION");

// >>>>

LOADREMOTESTOPWORDS() - importa la lista de filtro de palabras de parada

void loadRemoteStopWords ()
try {
String stopWordsLoader [] = loadStrings("");

if (loadstopWordsCheckInt==true)
for (int i = 0 ; i < stopWordsLoader.length; i++) {
println("stopWords["+i+"]= "+stopWords.get(i)+". Length now: "+stopWords.size());
catch (Exception e)

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